Thursday, September 10, 2009

Music Appreciation and History...

Music Appreciation, or Music App as I like to call it, is a great class. Our teacher Mr. Allder, is starting us off by having us listen to music from different time periods. After listening to a song, we give our opinions on whether we like or not and why. In our responses, we use musical terms to describe how we felt about that song. It has been a good experience learning how other people view different kinds of music. Today we moved on to ancient music and read some in the classroom's music books. It was fascinating to learn that ancient cultures made instruments and worked with scales. I'm looking forward to learning more about the past's music as we go on in the year.

1 comment:

  1. Great initiative starting this blog. As you might guess, I already see you as a leader in this class. I look forward to seeing how you develop this space as it relates to music appreciation with pics, music, links, etc. Keep up the great work!
